The disruption of subsistence agricultural systems in rural Yucatan, Mexico may have contributed to the coexistence of stunting in children with adult overweight and obesity
Por: Gurri García, Francisco D.. Doctor [autor/a]
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Tipo de ítem | Biblioteca actual | Colección | Signatura | Estado | Fecha de vencimiento | Código de barras |
Artículos | Biblioteca Electrónica Recursos en línea (RE) | ECOSUR | Recurso digital | ECO400022807488 |
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This paper attempts to link last century's disruption of local agricultural systems to today's presence of childhood under nutrition and adult overweight and obesity in the Yucatan Peninsula. It first compares Height for Age (H/A), Weight for Age (W/A) and Body Mass Index (BMI) of children from three rural populations in Yucatan and Campeche, Mexico whose subsistence strategy had been altered to different degrees since 1970. It then compares BMI in adults, in the same regions, born before and after the alteration of their environment in the 1970's. Children in the least disrupted zone were taller and had lower BMI than children in the other two, but were not heavier than children from the richest disrupted zone. Children in the poorest disrupted zone were shorter and lighter than the rest. BMI in adult men was higher in the two most disrupted zones only in those cohorts that grew up after the traditional agricultural regime was altered. It is concluded that disruptions of staple-based subsistence agriculture promoted a stockier phenotype in children and a tendency to accumulate body fat. Persistence of these conditions in the twenty first century has favored the coexistence of stunting during childhood with adults who easily become overweight. eng
U radu se pokušava povezati gašenja lokalnih poljoprivrednih sustava u prošlom stoljeću s današnjom prisutnosti podhranjenosti djece i povećane težine i pretilosti kod odraslih na poluotoku Yucatan. Prvo uspoređuje visinu kroz dob (H/A), težinu s dob (W/A) i indeks tjelesne mase (BMI) kod djece iz tri ruralne populacije u Yucatanu i Campecheu u Meksiku čija je strategija opstanka bila promijenjena u različitim stupnjevima od 1970. Zatim uspoređuje BMI kod odraslih, u istim regijama, rođenih prije i nakon promjene njihovog okruženja u 1970-ima. Djeca u najmanje poremećenim zonama su jača i imaju niži BMI od djece u druge dvije, ali nisu bila teža od djece iz najbogatije poremećene zone. Djeca u najsiromašnijoj poremećenoj zoni su niža i lakša od ostalih. BMI je kod odraslih muškaraca bio veći u dvije najviše poremećene zone samo u onim skupinama koje su izrasle nakon što je izmjenjen tradicionalni poljoprivredni režim. Zaključeno je da su poremećaji u sustavu izvozne poljoprivrede promovirali zdepastiji fenotip kod djece i tendenciju akumulacije tjelesne masnoće. Postojanost ovih uvjeta u dvadeset prvom stoljeću je pogodovalo suživot smanjenog rasta djece s odraslima koji lako postaju pretili. rus
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